guess it will go away in time.
guess it will go away in time.
Yesterday you were manic, today you’re depressed. I know those feelings well, talk to your doctor about it.
im not depressed @Minnii, and not because of manic etc. If i had to crash I would have crashed 15 hours ago (when my bliss ended). Just understand that it is not because of that.
and can get back the bliss (by meditation) at will
Alright, just be careful with yourself
hey zen how could u practice meditation in this;s really surprises me.
i tried meditation after being psychotic but it all went to vain…
meditation ain;t helping in such circumstances…
what u have to say on that…??
Yeah I know. It doesnt have to be sad though, we can be our best company.
That is the best post I have ever read
it will pass soon enough, just relax, watch tv…take it easy
I am alive right now thanks to meditation.
you keep repeating the same thing day in and day out like a parrot, what you do is not meditation at all…it is stupidity/idiocy.
anyway take care
I am sorry @far_cry0 , I was a bit worked up today and lent it out on you…I AM really sorry.
I can tell you meditation if you are interested?
funny how could u be sure that what i do is not a meditation…are u Buddha???are u a zen master…???
i used to practice Vipassana before…rembember Vipassana is only form of serious and true meditation.
buddha is only true master and higher power regarding passive meditation .be careful what u say…it hurts…keep it cool brah…
Vipassana is a Sanskrit word given by Brahmins (who took over Buddhist teachings) and gave it in the form of a technique which is taught by frauds like Goenka
The Buddha you talk of is the greatest enlightened one in history…noone holds him in high regards than …you call him as LORD BUDDHA many times which is an insult to the Enlightened one …the Buddha never called himself as a God …he called himself as a friend…there is NO GOD…now thats a different story altogether.
Shows how LITTLE you know about the person you revere so much.
I am not a Buddha and I dont intend to be one…whatever I know is due to my own personal efforts and experiments with truth …I follow NOONE until and unless I see that it helps me get the truth.
Does one have to have a certification of a Buddha to know if he is speaking the truth or not?..come on man…Truth is a personal journey…your journey will be vastly different from mine but the end will be the same.
The Journey of Mohammed, Jesus, Osho and Gautama Buddha are vastly different from each other…Does that mean that Mohammed is telling the truth and Jesus is not or Osho is telling the truth and Gautama Buddha is not?.
Learn to go into the dark if you ever want to see light…But if you FOLLOW someone like countless idiots others…you will remain a follower all your life
speaking of Buddha…how do you know if someone is a Buddha ?..For example the historical Buddha died with only 400 followers…that is after 45 YEARS of personal teachings across the length and breadth of the country and he died with only 400 followers…
That does not mean that the Buddha was not enlightened…He was the greatest…but to know someone is great or not you have to become that someone.
Listen to some music and eat some walnuts
the game is over bro…i win …u win…
thanks u came second …appreciated…
see our journey is diffferent but the destination is same…
l appreciate and respect all three of them …
they are true master of all time…
it is always good to follow someone who is genius,true, and visionary…
in that case i present myself as leader only that time when i am all free of anxiety chaos depression…
to become a real leader one must have essential trait and virtue…as a psychotic its better for me to blend all
school of thought togetther …at present i am syannasi of osho i follow him …but i am middlepath means i am not harcord follower or fan of them…i only believe what good and what is bad.i use my own conscience …
thanks 4 motivating me…i don’t ment to pick a fight with u…i apologize for this …i know u are good person .don’t take it personally… we are just a friend a good friend…take care and enjoy ur bliss i even wish for ur speedy enlightment.jus joking …a friend in need is a friend indeed…
smile for me brah…ur days ends happily.and moral of the study is that don’t be sad…
ok lets cut the chase…
do you know your-Self? (Self as in)…what is your interpretation of the Self?.
honestly you seem to be a down to earth guy…u just have to be a little brave
self…?? iz what u are ???what u feel about your self …???perhaps yours self image…
it kind of difficult its a chotic mixture of ur nurturing and more than that conditioning …
ur culture ur families aspirations and ur personal likes dislikes,society …
to me ur more like what ur parents have views and perspective on u…
ALL mental illness starts from childhood…
its a little incomplete,this iz my view…take care…