Sorry about last night

My mind was racing and I felt on top of the world. I feel better now. Still confused about what happened between me and my mom but I won’t post about it anymore.

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Hey we all have off times. Can’t always be perfect - no one can!


It’s fine @LilyoftheValley . And if you need help with it, don’t feel discouraged from posting. It’s when you are in the frame of mind that you are not willing to consider other alternatives and resorting back to delusions of being a prophetess and whatnot, that we likely would have to shut down.

If you want help and are willing to consider other possibilities, we will definitely listen.


Please understand we aren’t trying to be mean. We are just concerned.


I understand @Bowens @anon4362788 I was pretty crazy last night because I felt so high and on top of the world. I think I just had my first manic episode. If it happens again I’ll contact my Dr.

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Thanks @Joker 15

I missed that post @LilyoftheValley… But I’m glad you feeling bit better now.

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Thanks @anon25873142 1515

I’m glad you’re doing better @LilyoftheValley.


Thanks @HollyHobby


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