Rexulti update Day 1

I just wanted to update the people that wanted to know an experience with this new drug.Day 1, I took 1 mg last night and suddenly even with my trazadone 100 mg and my 1 mg klonopin I couldn’t get to sleep.I finally fell asleep I think about 3 and slept on and off until 10am.I’m going to take it during the day on saturday so I can get some quality sleep.I feel a little woozy so far today but I’m going to keep taking it because it was just day 1 and I want to really give it a chance.


Yes, please keep us informed. Maybe start a thread called ‘rexulti update’ and post each update there, so as not to have lots of different threads.

Rexulti will definitely be my next choice I think, so I’m very interested in what you have to say.

Thanks for the update.

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Thanks for the updates @Brea99.

Please keep us informed.

Rexulti Day 2–I learned from my mistake the first day and took it when I woke up I was fine the whole day.The only concern I have is weight gain. The first day I gained 2 pounds then I weighed myself this morning and I had gained another pound.I must admit the first day I went to red lobster and have there shrimp fest which is why I could understand maybe 1 pound but 2 was alot.The next day I ate pretty normal and still gained another pound.I’m going to continue to watch it if I continue to gain weight I know this medicine isn’t for me.


Thanks very much for the update.

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Your welcome, I’m glad to help.

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Yes thank you for the update @Brea99

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Rexulti update Day 3----Today was an ok day I slept most of the day, but when I got up completely I actually went for a walk.Its been a long time since I’ve had enough energy and motivation to go for a walk.I felt a little bit of agitation when I went out for a while but it went away.The best news of the day was that I didn’t gain weight yesterday (even though I would like to lose those 3 pounds I gained).I started a mini diet today so hopefully I can lose those 3 pounds and not gain anymore.


Indication Starting Dose MDD (2.1) Schizophrenia (2.2)

1 mg/day 1 mg/day

Recommended Dose

2 to 4 mg/day

Maximum dose

4 mg/day

Keep us updated! I’m sorry about the weight gain.

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Ill continue to update it gives me something to do and to be honest when I was looking for personal reviews on the medicine I didn’t find any so hopefully this does help someone.I had a feeling it was going to cause weight gain because most medicines did. I’m glad it stopped because I hate having to stop medicines and i’m running out of options.


Rexulti update Day 4— Today was a little strange.Last night I didn’t have to take a sleeping pill, I just went to sleep that was great. I woke up in time to fix my daughter breakfast for the first time in a week during the weekday.The strange part was the way I felt, anxious most of the day.I did have iced coffee this morning so i’m thinking maybe that’s it but I don’t know.The anxious feeling lasted most of the day.Its 10:00 pm where i’m at and i’m feeling tired so I can wind down it’s just the rest of the day.I also didn’t have a nap.I’m going to leave the iced coffee alone tomorrow to see how I feel.I start the 2 mg tomorrow so i’ll update tomorrow evening.

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I’ve read positive things about Rexulti in a medication review, that it maybe not to be considered Abilify with less side-effects, rather a successor in both it’s MoA and side-effect profile, see here

And thanks for sharing your experience on Rexulti. The thing I’m interested in is have you tried Latuda? If so, can you make a comparison of Latuda vs Rexulti in about 2 weeks?

Yes I have tried latuda, as a matter of fact that was the medicine I just got off of it.Ill compare it in 2 weeks to be fair to the Rexulit.I took Latuda for about 4 months.

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Rexulti update Day 5–Well I almost felt like giving up on the medicine today.Today was the day that I went up to 2 mg and I felt it.I sent a message to my therapist to get in contact with my p-doc to prescribe me something to combat this anxious feeling.So far the info that the akathisia is better with this drug than abilify in my case is false, because I felt the same way on abilify and came off of it.I like this drug because i’ve made progress, I hope my pdoc can prescribe me something to help with this anxious feeling.

that doesn’t sound like good news today. It’s that and anxiety that I hate about abilify and the reason I would switch.

I’d still be prepared to give rexulti a couple of months to give it a chance I suppose.

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Do drugs with akathisia cause decreased concentration and focus? I’ve noticed that on abilify and latuda. Please let me know. Thanks.

My Anxiety was very high on Abilify, I could not tolerate it mainly because of this reason.

Sounds like Rexulti has the potential to trigger some anxiety also.

Hope you feel better soon @Brea99

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Yes in my case it does cause decreased concentration and focus but it doesn’t last long.I can still get things done.For instance yesterday, I was reading the grocery store advertisements it took some time at first but I did get through with them all.

Rexulti update Day 6—Day 6 was ok, it was a little different from the other days.I still had the anxiety but it wasn’t as bad as the other days.I would say on a scale of 1-10 my anxiety was a 4.I was a little tired today so I napped for a bit (so the restlessness wasn’t that bad).My therapist got back with me but she didn’t get in touch with my p-doc yet, so i’m still waiting on her to prescribe me something for the akathisia.I won’t update tomorrow because i’m doing a sleep study for my sleep apnea, so ill update friday night for 2 days.