I have no idea why I started to feel this way they make me sick to the stomach to look at.
Maybe they’re the only reminder that you’re sick, since you’re doing so well?
I’ve taken the med three times last week. I’ve been on these 5.5 years I’m terrified of TD. The longer your on them the greater the risk.
Do you rather be off meds?
Yes and no. No to the antipsychotics but I don’t mind other alternatives. I tried coming off twice and ended up with mood issues. I wish they treated that with something else like antidepressants or mood stabilisers. But I have had no psychosis in 5.5 years so why should I have to take them I’ve waited long enough so why can’t I try again ?
You should talk to your doctor about this, if you’re seriously considering going off meds. It’s common for when we think we’re fine and then something bad happens and we have to go back on them. Each time we go through psychosis is worse for the brain…
It is possible for some to get off. Last time you quit abilify you dropped from 5mg to nothing. Don’t do it like that get the liquid abilify and drop by 1mg at a time. Give it a go and find out where you stand with this.
That’s the thing I think I’m wrongly dx schiz I know I had psychosis but that does not only happen with sz. The only ep I ever had was 5 and a half years ago.
How long did your psyhosis last?
Sorry I mean I am sza it only lasted about a month or a little more not sure.
Did you get a second opinion?
Yeah the second opinion consultant looked at my reports and said schizoaffective and didn’t agree with paranoid schiz dx. But they all agreed eventually when I had a few mood issues.
Well, do you think you can go through another episode?
No I can’t obviously I’m not thinking straight. I realise this but I also don’t want TD.
Yeah, I don’t want to get any of that ■■■■ either… but I rather have my sanity. Seriously, talk to your doctor before deciding anything with the meds
If you taper your dose slowly you can avoid a big relapse, thats if its going to happen.
This is why they’re called antipsychotics, not antischizophrenia medication
There are a lot of new medications out that you could try. It might be a pain in the ass for your doctor, but this is about you, not them