It’s now moved from my vagina into my uterus… I went to the ER last night in pain and found this tid bit of information out -.- the antibiotics I was given for it did nothing for it! Ugh why me?!
Ouch, it must be painful. Hopefully the docs can do something about it.
Hang in there!
I remember I got an infection and it felt like peeing razorblades. Luckily it went over after a while.
I know women are troubled with these things. What do the docs say? Did they give you any new meds?
@Speedy I got an antibiotic shot and two more meds to take home… I’ve been reading up on uterus bacteria infection aka pelvic inflammatory disease. It could be a sign of early menopause since I haven’t had a period in almost two months also if it becomes chronic I could get a hysterectomy but I’m not sure all of this is buzzing in my mind
As for my pdoc I got no help this month I told the nurse practitioner my problems and she had a treatment plan for me and he said I don’t wanna do that…
Idk what to think about anything on one hand I’d embrace early menopause and just be glad it’s done and over with but I could be severely wrong. My pdoc isn’t helping me until he sees me in person I think he thinks things will settle down for me but I’m not that optimistic… I have a PCP appointment Thursday and I’m nervous about that… Wish me luck on everything
My sister who is 19 years old didn’t have her period for two months. She recently got her blood drawn. They said it can be hormonal.
Let’s not take things in advance. It’s just probably an infection.
I wish you good luck! Hopefully your meds will make it go away.
@Speedy thanks I’m just freaking out again
That can be from medication too. This morning my pdoc said APs can cause periods to stop.
@HollyHobby I know but part of me just wants to be done with the female reproductive parts… They’re just a cause of stress at this point… I can’t risk getting pregnant and I’m not stable enough for it… It would just end up with me with a broken heart and another child being adopted out so I am hopeful for early menopause
Well, the chances of you getting pregnant when you’re not getting periods is probably lower anyway. So, that’s helpful.
@HollyHobby maybe idk
Aren’t you on birth control? That often makes periods irregular.
Did they give you metro gel or Clindamycin? Metro gel works fast but you can’t use it with some Aps.
@Turtle44 metronidazole
@Turtle44 and doxycycline
Yeah that’s the pill form of metro gel. It works fast to but I can’t take it on invega. I end up with Clindamycin which takes forever to work.
Hope it works for you.
@Turtle44 thanks I’m hopeful it’ll work I start it tonight… I think I was giving the injection form last night I’m not sure
Definitely eat with it. It made me sick.
@Turtle44 definitely I was warned about that… No dairy products within two hours of taking it too
I get bv quite often. Well that and UTI.
@Turtle44 I’m sorry I seem to be the same way
I started using PhD suppositories once a week after my last infection seems to help. My Dr said she has a hot tub and gets bv a lot and that’s what she uses.