One of my dilusions is I’ll write parts of the next bible
I’m an agnostic, but I’m not outspoken about it. If someone calls for a public prayer, and that seems to be the will of most of the people in the room, then I’ll bow my head and say nothing, though I’m not really praying. Like just about everything I think about, I see good arguments on both sides of the issue.
Put good stuff in your head.
I believe in a biblical world view. So I believe in a loving but just God that relates to people. But the part you asked , I believe we all are in a spiritual battle for our soles. So I believe in an opposing power to God that lies to us and attempts to confuse us ,to claim us for it’s self and put distance between us and God. What would pull you away from God more than believing that you were God. I used to be ognostic like lots of people on this site.
My problem is knowing something isn’t real, but having difficulty feeling it isn’t real. The mental itch that comes from the latter is aggravating.
I feel sorry for you 5713.
If you believe in Biblical ‘loving but just God’ then you have some pretty tough questions to answer. For Bible God isn’t perfect, we know that because he created an imperfect world. Something that is perfect cannot create something that is imperfect: it would be like asking night to be day, and day night. The ‘killer’ for me was discovering that Bible God had deliberately created an imperfect world in the first place, so there is no actual good/evil dicotomy as you seem to suggest there is. As St Paul says in Romans, God subjected his creation to futility and frustration against its will, so there goes our supposed ‘free will’ straight out the window. This single verse destroyed the Bible for me.
Best wishes,
I have been coming up against questions like this for the last 10 years so I’m sure I can find an answer for you as I always have. But I appreciate that you know if Jesus has not risen we should be pitied among all people. Don’t have time to look into it now but I’ll get back to you. Love that you find pity for me and not hate like most do. It’s funny how people hate for someone believing in something so ridiculios … hmm were dose that come from I wonder? If this thread gets closed , please let’s get a pm going. Looking forward to digging into this one.
So I had a few minutes to read these verses at lunch .
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.
So I take it that you are assuming him in line 2 is God . It’s not God it’s eather satan or Adam. Whom ever is responsible for the brokenness we all live in. This is not God and I can tell because him is not capitalized God is always capitalized. So why is someone else responsible? because they broke God’s law and every just law breaking has a negative consiquince . Just as we have laws of nature that God created. Moral laws are no different ,they were also created by God. If you step of a cliff you will fall, if you sin you will reap what you sow. That’s why I tend to think him is Adam.
Also note that God is hopefully that man will be set free ,in the last verse
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