Relationship Troubles

I hate my boyfriend’s new job. It has irregular hours and can basically require him to work an infinite amount of overtime whenever they want and request him to travel for an indefinite amount of time whenever they want with no notice.

He insists this is just “part of working in the field” that he is in, that he gets paid good money and he likes the people he works with so he doesn’t really care about the things I stated above. So it is not an issue to him and he doesn’t want to find a new job. But it is an issue to me. I am happy that he likes his job but I am just not ok with those 2 aspects of it I mentioned above. He thinks I am making a big deal over nothing.

We have gotten into really bitter arguments about it and I just don’t know what to do at this point. Right now he is out of town for who knows how long. I really think this is badly affecting our relationship and I don’t know what I should do.

How many hours a day are you used to spending with him?

On those good weeks when he does not have to work overtime, he is home by the time I get home, around 4 pm. We then spend about 4 hours together until bedtime. (Not necessarily doing things together but at least in eachothers presence).

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Well it depends on how good the money is in my opinion. If you guys get more money and can go out more to nice restaurants or maybe a vacation once per year, that kind of makes up for it a little bit, but if your time with him has cut by half or more, I think you’re definitely in the right asking for more time together. Just my two cents.

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