Relationahip problems

My boyfriend told me he would go crazy if i make noise in the morning.

The fact is: i’m a morning person, a alrealdy make the minimal noise. That makes me sad alrealdy. But even with me trying, he complains.

He said that at night Will make noise to perturb my sleep as Revenge.

The bills is also a problem, our division os not fair.

Will you Stay with a boyfriend in this condiotions?

He alrealdy show that could have anger

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Does he also have sz?

I’m jealous!!!

It’s annoying to see post about relationships when you don’t have it

Haven’t seen pretty sz girl without boyfriend

Hey @Greenmind most people wake up early to be productive. If he cannot deal with someone else waking up early and doing normal noise, it’s not your problem, but his.

How are the bills divided, if you want to share?

The anger/revenge thing isn’t acceptable. Having said that I don’t think it would be anything wrong with living separately. But anyways, it’s not acceptable. I hope he’s willing to work on this with a psychologist or something.

At the end, is your call to keep or leave the relationship and we cannot say too much about it.

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Can’t he put earplugs on or noise canceling headphones?

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He don’t have sz…

He didnt try earplugs.

We dont sleep together.

Don’t be jealous… Sometimes being “Alone” is better. You Will find someone some day anyway, good luck.

I like my boyfriend and he made me happy and he was a good company until today. But he’s reaveling opressive signs. And our day-to-day life is nor going well…

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Your post was helpful and lovely.
The bills are 50/50 but my salary is way lower

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That kind of negativity from a man is not good. I don’t think I’d want to be around him, but if he’s a good person it might not be worth being alone.

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Some people are super grumpy in the morning. Does he actually try to make noise at night to wake you? Does he apologize for saying rude things later on when he’s fully awake?

Regardless, you’re the only one who can truly decide what you’re willing to deal with. I would not be able to live with someone who acted that way in the morning. When I am awake, I need to start being active right away so I can carry that momentum through the day. If I try to be quiet in the morning, I end up feeling sluggish all day long.

Mr. Star works night shift sometimes, so he and I had to figure out how to make his need for sleep work with my need to be active. We set up one room to be as soundproof as possible. Whoever needs proper, uninterrupted sleep goes in there. Before that, we used to argue about this a LOT.


I guess I am a night owl and when I lived with my family they were really thoughtless about making noise outside my room and it did drive me mad. But I would never make a bunch of noise in the night purely out of spite. I think threatening you like that is really childish and shows a lack of compassion.
If he simply said “can you please try to be quiet in the mornings because I need more sleep than I am getting” that would’ve been a much better route to solve your differences.

It makes sense that bills are paid proportionally to one’s salary. I think when you combine that with making childish threats, it is not a good sign that the relationship is right for you. It doesn’t seem like he values you.

This guy doesnt sound very nice.

Tell him to use a fan or earplugs. Its difficult to be on same sleeping schedules.

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He doesnt say sorry but he don’t make noise at night, he ONLY say that Will make noise at night as Revenge

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I think the both of U need to sit down and talk things out. It could take a while to solve, it could be fast.

I think comprising in some sort of way might help.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you.

I don’t want to BE drastic… So thank you. Dialogue is essential.

However, i feel i’m closer of a break up.
He don’t talk to me, don’t be sorry, so this pushing me to the end

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