Relaps and fear

I was diagnosed a few years ago and had been seeing doctors and taking my medications, but I could no longer stand the feelings of emptiness it had given me so I stopped going and taking my medications. For a while now I’ve tried to deal with everything on my own in regards to my episodes, symptoms and fear. Yet as of late my episodes have been far worse and more frequent. I’m scared if they get bad enough they will send me back to the hospital again and make me feel like I did back then. I’m not sure if I should return to the doctor or try other alternative help…My illness is something I have only shared with very close friends and family, please excuse me if I come off as awkward but I feel like having someone who can relate might help.

Fear of relapse can be an indicator that a relapse is going to happen. I’d return to your doctor. We all hate taking meds, so you’re not alone.

@everhopeful , is right maybe its best to go back to a doctor before you get worse and have to go into the hospital. Relapse is not something that you want to face without a doctor. also right about nobody likes taking meds. I’ve stopped taking meds multiple times and I don’t recommend it.

Hey, yeah, you are not forgotten, i am going thru a similar difficulty but yes, i know i have relapsed, the beginning of the ending of all things, like a switch flipped and someone unzipped a new reality, definitely try to get back to a doctor before they do it for you, hope it’s not too late for me, trying to stay focused on Friday for an appt, hope all works for the best

There was a time the meds made me feel like I had become a different person… and shut me down… turned me into a numb object.

That was because I wasn’t on the right meds… talk to your doc… let him know how flat you’re feeling…

It might be the meds or it might the negative side of all this.

Good luck

Thank you, I hope all goes well for you at your appointment.

I can definitely relate, but I don’t have any easy answers. What you’re facing is a problem just about all sz’s face. If I thought I could make it without my med’s I would quit taking them, but that has never worked with me. Maybe you can work with your pdoc to find the med’s that do the least harm to your sense of well being.