Cool. Thanks for sharing, we need something like this in Portugal
Yeah good vid… I got that head rush thing that cool things trigger… like movie trailers and stuff
well i messaged the rethink facebook page and i shared the link with my friends on facebook saying that i love my friends very much and despite what people say, i would never hurt them or harm them in any way,
i also wrote on rethinks webpage about stigma and things and how it is hard but i am still telling my friends despite everything, i think it is good to be open and honest with people anyway, i was just worried that people might treat me differently or maybe somehow a future employer would find out or something. i also didnt want anybody to be scared to talk to me and things.
I just came out as sz on a friends post on facebook but nobody said a word. It’s still very stigmatized here in Portugal.
I was thinking that really all the stigma is not unjustified because schizophrenia can drive a person to total madness especially if they are un diagnosed and without any help other then self medication with drugs and alcohol. I first used the medications along with street drugs and alcohol and they still worked better then not at all.
no-one has said anything to me, but what would they say?
i would like them to say thanks for letting me know but that sounds a bit like they are saying ‘just in case you go mad’ lol then at least they will know what is causing it,
i was thinking of getting some dog tags that say i am diagnosed sz and medications i take on it, might be handy idk lol but i think it would be cool lol ‘not that i’m trying to make it a fashion statement’ lol, i need to find somewhere that will do that for me though.
Do you know this?
you are right but the truth is that we are more likely to harm ourselves when we are like that and people need to know this, all that they say in the media about us going on a rampage or whatever is total rubbish.
I think that that really depends on the individuals personality type and up-bringing. Like what if we were without friends or family?
you are still more likely to harm yourself than others, its a proven fact, if you look at the statistics you will see the difference, you might need to do some research but i am sure it is true.
I think that every human is more likely to harm themselves first. Isn’t that why normal people drink and smoke as well as us schizophrenics? It is a socially acceptable way of committing suicide by plying a kind of Russian roulette.
if you have thoughts of harming yourself i would talk to a doctor straight away even if it is just your GP that you talk to, could be one of the first signs of mental illness and its best to catch these things early.
I would say the people in that video are more high functioning and more likely to get a positive reaction from society than your average person with psychosis/schizophrenia.
I am not sure it gets a much needed message across that all people with psychosis/schizophrenia, regardless of how functional they are, need and deserve to be treated with compassion and decency by society.
here is another video of the Duchess of Cambridge supporting young people for world mental health week-