Recent new diagnosis

Hello again, I’ve been lurking here for a while, guess I should update my journey. I’ve been hospitalized about 4 times this past year. My diagnosis went from ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) and now Bipolar unspecified (Bipolar but not meeting all the criteria). At first I was really suspicious of my recent diagnosis because my mood swings are really subtle or don’t seem like typical mood swings. I know it isn’t the same as schizophrenia but it really helps to be on this board. I hardly experience depressive episodes, but I tend to get really manic ones which can give me paranoia and negative psychotic symptoms. It feels comforting to have a space where my psychotic manic episodes are understood and met with compassion, or not feel “crazy”.

Thanks for listening


Sounds good that you’re getting some clarity.

Hopefully it will lead to better treatment for you


I couldn’t agree more! I hope it leads to better treatment and fewer hospitalizations


You’re a legend, mate. We have a few folks here who have bipolar as a diagnosis. It’s called, but it’s for anyone experiencing psychosis now or in the past. Welcome, friend!

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Thanks guys! This is a great start off to my morning really appreciate it. Makes my day :blush:

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