it was changed recently. anxiety disorder with psychotic features. i guess i no longer belong. wish everyone well. this forum helped alot but I guess this is goodbye.
Man I reckon that particular dx totally qualifies you to be here. Please don’t go.
ive seen several people including myself who dont have/probably dont have schizophrenia. any psychotic symptoms should make you feel at home here, honestly
@flameoftherhine, You have psychotic features! You totally belong here. Please don’t go.
As long as you have psychotic features, you belong here. I hope you stay.
That psychotic features part of that diagnosis means you belong.
Doctors get things wrong all the time! My last doctor just thought I had anxiety, even though had a history of suicide attempts and psychosis and bipolar and hospitalizations. Now my diagnosis is schizoaffective bp. I have had hallucinations since I was young and they think this makes more sense. I do have anxiety, but they think it is from the voices and such. It just really depends on the doctor it seems?
If you suffer with psychosis then you belong here.
Please reconsider @flameoftherhine.
What even! You belong. Knock this leaving nonsense off.
i got re-diagnosed recently as well lol its a bit ■■■■■■ up, i’m waiting to hear back from my p/doc about it but i dont think it is going to end well
@flameoftherhine Please stay! You belong here, plus we’d miss you too much if you left.
I suspect you are joking @flameoftherhine. But just in case, you totally belong!
Hey @flameoftherhine consider staying here… u are a good person…take care…!!!
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