Really think i can overcome this

was thinking that it might be a good idea to substitute the AP for maybe an antidepressant
slowly, bc i think that it might be enough to help me drop down to something more manageable

i think an anti depressant is a lot better for you than an AP and then over time maybe i could wean off of that too,

i think i would need to talk to my p/doc about it

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@daydreamer I suggest that you ask your psychiatrist if you can stop your medication if he said shouldn’t then don’t stop medication.

2 years ago I asked my psychiatrist if I can stopped meds,he said i shouldn’t.But I was rebellious that I insisted on stopping even after he continuously advice don’t.I was mentally unwell after 10 months and got back on medication,than now I am more stable in medication even though there is side effect I need to deal.

I think if your doctor says you can stop your medication,go on and do your best,be happy about it…but if he said and advice no on stopping medication,I think please listen to him.

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I agree with what Snowy said. That you will be able to grasp your life and get a job on meds or without meds. You know yourself and you know you’re capable of that. Just have more faith in yourself. Both you and Snowy are great people.


i understand how you feel dreamer, i really do. i’m 40 years old and have achieved nothing in my life commercially and it sucks big time. yes i’ve been a housewife but that is not challenging for the brain. it doesn’t take a whole lot of knowledge to change nappies and clear up puke. i understand the need to feel like you’re contributing to society, i’m the same but i won’t do it off meds. as i understand it, most meds have a mood stabilising element to them and going off them for me would probably make me very depressed due to the abuses i’ve suffered. as for you dreamer, i guess you have to try going off meds to prove it to yourself whether you need them or not. i can understand that completely so if that’s what you need to do then go for it but remember to taper off slowly and tell your pdoc what you’re doing. at least that way there is a safety net should things go wrong. and remember to check in on here daily as i’m sure everyone will keep an eye on you and let you know if things are starting to slide. good luck dreamer and let us know how you get on. much love, jayne.

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i think that would be very challenging, taking care of kids and everything is a huge responsibility, i would love to have something like that to do with my time, it would be worth my while bc i would be helping them to grow and watching them get older etc, i would love to be a dad in that way.

i have done this so many times and it has never worked but i like to try every now and then just to make sure, its hard to know what is symptoms and what is side effects or if it is withdrawal symptoms so it is very confusing and i usually go back on them straight away when i feel off so its hard to really test it out,

i think if i found something that could help with withdrawals etc then that might help me ease off of it like maybe a really good antidepressant or something idk, i’ll ask the doctor anyway, thanks jayne

yes it’s a challenge but it’s a bit mind numbing watching thomas the tank engine 40 times in one day lol. you’ll know every character on cbeebies and every word to every song the characters sing, every disney song that’s ever been written, every teletubbies episode, every fireman sam episode. then you’ll have to recreate those characters at bedtime when you read them the books of the same series you’ve watched every day for the last 5 years lol. you’ll get used to getting up at 5/6am if you’re lucky, 3am if you’re unlucky and one of them is sick, hungry, wets the bed. it’s a challenge alright but not in an educational way when they are very little. you can’t hold an adult conversation with a 3 year old. it’s only now my kids are 15 and 18 that we can talk about grown up things. not that i’d take them back of course, it’s just a different type of challenge is all. i hope you do get that dream of a wife and kids hunni. it can be great…but you need to be stable first to be a good dad so try your experiment and see how it goes. then you’ll know if you need meds or not for the foreseeable future. good luck x

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