@pr21 …i just read… any one trying it…
Never heard that one, just doing some reading on it
This stuff nearly killed me.
beaware of side effect…
Curcumin is a natural blood thinner. The two would be a bad combo, for sure
what is blood thinner medicine … if i dont take blood thinner medicine i am eligible to take small amount of curcumin… @Cragger are you trying it…
It prevents blood from forming clots. I had strokes some years back and have to take them now. Curcumin on top of blood thinners turned my blood to soup. Nearly bled out thanks to sneezing hard. Really. You’d be amazed how much blood can come out of your nose. Other things you take may also have blood thinning properties so putting curcumin on top could be bad. Check with a doctor if you can before trying supplments.
@Cragger i heared noni a kind od fruit helps in psychosis …but experiment was done on rat …no human trail… crazy…
I think I might give it a try. I may even have some in the cupboard already. Talk to my doctor first
pls report back…i am interested too…
It gave me insomnia when I tried it. The same thing happened when I took vitamin D!
@labratmat i have sleep problem too…
Are you still drinking coke?
nope i am also suffering from stomach ulcer too … i think if i buy curcumin i will take it after morning meal … at the same time i am tapering my seroquel …
i am on 200mg seroquel and 2 mg ativan …
also i run in trademill and morning i do deepbreathing excercise … its all helping me…
stomach ulcers are easily cured. I had one. A simple course of antibiotics clears it up in a week or so. It kills all the hylori pactorii in the stomach and that is the cause of stomach ulcers.
Curcumin useful for mild positive symptoms. It gives a slight tired sleepy feeling so useful for anger, anxiety, insomnia etc. Its good for immunity. I usually take it when have some viral or bacterial fever rather than buying antibiotics.
Curcumin improves serotonin may be that’s the reason for mild AP like effect also acts like an antidepressant.
When take curcumin make sure to take black pepper for best absorption. Additionally I suggest another supplement along with it and thats phosphatidylserine. There is actually a formulation called curcumin phytosome commonly called meriva. Its actually a mix of these for best absorption.
Curcumin is useful for negative symptoms. It has antidepressant effect without affecting cognition. Thus very useful in all domains like cognition, mood, motivation etc.
I tested with curcumin c3 form which is patented form and also took along with black pepper and phophatidylserine for best absorption.
If anyone desperate to improve negative symptoms and cognition then definetly try curcumin as its completely a natural thing.
what dose are you taking @pr21 …
Very small dose
200 mg curcumin c3 complex
Black pepper 5 mg
Phosphatidylserine 100 mg
Faster processing speed thus better mood. This is just mental benefits. Physically it helps in inflammation pain. Thus an all rounder supplement.
Curcumin can be compared with NAC in terms of cognitive benefits. NAC also found useful for negative symptoms.