Reality Testing

So I’m kind of bothered. Last night I was watching Lofi Hip Hop beats to relax/study to on Youtube and I was in the group chat. I began to wonder, “Do these people know me?” I always find when I talk to people about this stuff it reinforces my belief in a solid reality. so I asked them if they were watching me. The people that responded to me said I was being watched. Maybe they were just messing with me, but it is making me doubt a lot of things and undoing a lot of the progress I’ve made. What do you guys think? Should I just ask random people these things? Are they lying?

Unless you know them in real life I would be taking it all with a grain of salt.

Sz for me is about thinking too much about everything. I had a background in language and communiction and I was endlessly questioning everything everyone said. These meds certainly helped me relax my mind…

I think your overthinking these things…I’m not sure they are even that much engaged with things!


I swear i’ve seen those people in the lofi girl youtube chat comment on me before. Maybe its different and each of us sees what they want us to see

I am not the best person for this because I’m watched all the time. But I do think them telling you you’re being watched was either a joke, or someone being really mean. Ignore them. They’re not worth your time


They were just messing with you. They don’t know you and you aren’t being watched, I promise. Maybe don’t ask random people who you’ve never talked to about these things.

On this forum, most members will be honest with you because we’re all dealing with psychotic illnesses. We won’t mess with you. Also, there are good mods on this forum who will be there to help you feel safe here.

But places like YouTube… That’s just Troll Central. YouTubers don’t hesitate to post mean comments on videos. So, they certainly wouldn’t hesitate to mess with you if you ask a vulnerable question.


i get trolls every where i go online except here

its best to only talk to people you can trust and thats hard to find on the internet

I am so glad i found this place as it seems safe

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I apologize for those times when I’m too direct. I expect people to give me the straight goods, but not everyone else feels like that.

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Paranoid thoughts are common with schizophrenia.

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