since 2 months people are watching me in the parents at home are also watching me.they watch what i say, what i do, how do i react to everything that is happening and what i am saying and they say it to their chief.i am sure that my parents are not the real one but they adopted me when i was baby in order to watch me.i believe that my real parents are in prison so that i iacannot find them.i am sure that when people look at me in the eyes they are watching me.i think their chief is someone very powerful man or an alien.i cannot relax, i cannot get out from my room.i cannot trust anybody, i am alone, i am scared.
Im sorry to hear that… I to having a hard too …right now… I think Mafia is after me let’s hope that we get out of this
I think the song goes
“Some people are no good…you can’t trust 'em…you can’t love 'em…”
dont worry, be happy you should go and talk to a psychiatrist
i go to a psychiatrist.i take many meds.he still does not want to make any change.she tells me that if voices happens more often only then she will change my meds because in most antipsychotics i have severe extrapyramidal symptoms.i am so confused.i want to relax but i cant
Are you taking anything for anxiety???
do something new, like things you like most, i dont know because i cant read minds, and also think positive, i guess you are too stressed and that’s why you think that people are watching you
The fact is people do watch us I think because THEY are afraid of sz!
but we are the fearless ones that can take this stuff for real.
So its all about how You let it bother you, if at all.
Work with your doc and/or therapist about those feelings because feelings are very real, sometimes you just have to learn how to deal with those feelings that may never go away no matter how much meds you take.
no i dont take anything for anxiety.i am stressed indeed.i read for exams in juny.but i dont think that stress can lead to this state.its reality.people are watching me.
My pdoc would sometimes add Klonopin or Lorezapam for extra anxiety that antipsychotics just weren’t helping!
she prescribed to me xanax but i dont want to take them.i dont want to take meds.i think they make us not to understand what is really happening
You’re a little paranoid but chances are that you are partially correct. Get some help and vent on here if it helps you. That’s what this place is for. I hope you have someone who you can be around even if you don’t talk so you are not so alone.
I get the same feelings and thoughts.
Just stay calm and don’t do anything out of character, like panic and hurt anyone or yourself.
Are you hearing voices making you have those thoughts?
This is a purple heart for you
No one wants to take meds. But they are the best treatment for most people with schizophrenia in conjunction with therapy.
I’m sorry that you are experiencing this. I remember when I first became mentally ill and thought everyone was watching me to mock me and it was terrifying. It can be really disarming. Meds are your best bet. I still think everyone is watching me but it doesn’t bother me (at the moment). It can, though, depending on my mindset. Meds, meds, meds. I wish you well soon.
I know how you feel. I know everyone watches me, too. It’s difficult to function throughout the day with this feeling.
I can’t be sure why, but I believe it’s because of how much I know. It’s hard to explain.
Distractions help me. Cleaning, baking, getting lost in a book or project.
Just think everybody watches you because your f**king awesome and they are tryig to figure out how to be more like you. Be the king/queen of your reality. And everybody wants to watch the king/queen. Just keep your chin up or the crown will slip!!
I believed that people were watching me for years. It is a very hard delusion to shake. Just try to think if there is any actual reason they would watch you. Also think about the sheer amount of manpower and resources necessary for something like that which would make it unlikely. Furthermore try to find inconsistencies like things that don’t make sense. For example I thought that I could hear people talking to me or yelling at me inside the house but no one was there. Another example is that I thought that people were yelling at me from outside. I remember that since it was around 3a.m. in the mourning and I called the cops a couple of times. However they would emphasize that they heard nothing. In the end one of the best things you can do is to place your trust in a loved one. See if this person thinks you are just imagining things or not.
I get really stuck on this one. I freak out if people look at me when I walk into a room or by windows. I panic, wondering what they know or what they’re thinking about me, if they can hear the voices. It’s hard to break that thought cycle. I still haven’t managed it yet but working on it. It helps to force myself to remember that my thoughts are my own and no one else’s, even though sometimes it can be difficult to remember.
This IS a really hard one to shake. I am aware of the sheer bizarreness and lack of logic connected to the idea that the world would put forth the kind of enormous resources necessary to watch and monitor one special person. Makes absolutely no sense at all. I am the first to agree with that but I still think that person is me and I am being watched all the time. I feel for other people who have this delusion. Sometimes it makes me extremely panicky and I feel horribly vulnerable. Other times I am over it. It can vary.