Quitting smoking tommorow cold turkey

It’s time. I got to do it now


Good luck! :sunny:

I quit two months ago. You can do it!

Stay strong :muscle: 5151511

Get the nicotine lozenges. They made it very easy for me.
Surprisingly easy after smoking for 15 years

Best of luck.


Wishing you luck.


I quit cold turkey years ago.
No problem.
Good luck @BrianTex!

Good luck Brian, I hope everything goes well for you!

Thanks for the support everybody. I’ll check in tommorow and let yall know how it’s going.

I’m trying again tomorrow too, nicotine patch.

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Good luck! We’re pulling for you.

You can do it! :boom:

No luck in quitting yet. I smoked about 6 cigs yesterday and a few this morning. At least I’ve been able to cut back the last month.

Maybe you could try the patch? I know Wellbutrin is supposed to help people quit.