Quitting nicotine

Have any of you quit successfully?

Nope. I’ve tried. But no.

Yes I have. I was a cig person then I switched to vaping. I kept lowering the amount of nicotine I was smoking. After I quit I smoked vape at 0mg.just to have that feeling. That’s it.

I hope you quit. My dad was a heavy smoker. It takes time.dont give up I know it’s hard.

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I am a heavy smoker and I am happy when these coffinnails of the market. I don’t wish that addiction on anybody. Basically it’s easy, don’t think pink elephants (cigarettes). I ask myself the question what is forcing me to smoke ? What is stopping me to quit ?

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57 days without smoking for me, it was pretty easy for me to quit, but then again i only smoked for a couple years. the worst part about it, was im having trouble sleeping through the night now. i think the nicotine changed my brain, so now i don’t sleep well without it.

the hardest part is when someone lights up in front of you and you want to smoke. anyways i’ve been drinking more (not a lot, but a couple times a week) and also eating more, i’ve put on 10 pounds since i quit 2 months ago.

after 100 days without a smoke, im going to cut back my drinking to 2 glasses of red wine a week.


Used champix/chantix and it was amazingly easy for me. I’d tried most other things to no avail. It’s been over a decade since I’ve had a smoke.

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I quit smoking hookah and cigars but I wasn’t a heavy smoker though. I still vape but thats bcz I have nothing to do in my time bcz of bad negative symptoms. I vape in bed all day everyday.

Tried many times, always fell back 2 it.


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