Can sza mean possibly schizophrenia bi polar and depression? Is it possible to have all three???
I have SZA but I consider having both bipolar and schizophrenia.
If you really think about it that’s what it is
I think it’s really close to that, though apparently has a better long-term outlook. According to the American Psychological Association, you would need symptoms of mania and/or depression, and/or mixed episodes plus symptoms of schizophrenia. I always describe it as schizophrenia and bipolar (or depression) having a baby. You get traits from both “parents.” There is depression-type sza, though, and it wouldn’t include mania. For bipolar type, yeah, it’s like having all three.
I have prolonged periods of mania and depression. But I have auditory/visual hallucinations that aren’t at all associated with my mania or depression. Even when I’m not manic or depressed I still have hallucinations. So that’s why I have SZA.
Thank you… i dont know about this hew psychiatrist he tells me im paranoid schizophrenic but i honestly believe my old dr is right about the sza