Just wanted to ask some questions while providing you with some details.
Around 2 years ago, I started obsessing about me having a brain injury due to having three wounds on the head. I got an MRI scan and checked up a neurologist which told me that my brain was fine and had no damage. but I visited the doctor again and the obsession started. This is in addition to agression is partly why I got hospitalized for 2 weeks and was given zyprexa, lorazepam, abilify and then changed to invega sustenna. these have lasted 2 years now.
My question is: I am currently studying computer science at college and wanted to ask if it was worth it to continue working towards graduation and if I had a chance to get employed and having a normal life.
How many people with schiz go to college after diagnoses. I’m not sure would think it’s not high because being employed after a schiz diagnoses is not high. But I would concentrate more on How do you feel? Do you feel like you are capable of finishing school and working full time? If you think you can then I would give it a try.
I think I am not able to concentrate a lot in class there is a lot of things that I don’t understand and comprehend. Also what I think is affecting my mental health is my lack of sleep since I wake up in the middle of the night and take time to fall asleep. Anyone here feel the same? What I worry about is the fact that if I stop college I am missing on better job conditions and also won’t be able to have a good lifestyle if I don’t graduate from college. So I have to continue working.
I finished my studies and I would not have my current job without this qualification.
I was close to throwing in the towel, as I was very sick. Somehow I managed to get across the line.
I have a decent career now as a data analyst for a marketing firm, and I am grateful that it rewards me enough to live independently from my parents comfortably.
You will never regret getting an education, and it does reward you back with opportunity. If you give up now you will regret that if you go back into the job market.
I like others here are living proof that you don’t have to give up on a future. Anything is possible. Even if you don’t use it, no one can take it away from you.
Computing is a cool thing to study - you could do a home job with those skills, or get a well paid job in industry or even volunteering.
Well when I try to learn things it feels like my brain had been compromised. Like I just dont have the ability to do what I could do in the past. But i’d give college another try and see how things go for you.
Just the fact that you are in school shows that your mind is good. You can concentrate and focus and apply your self, good qualities to have. Fade to black and om sadasiva are right and you will regret it. It gets harder in the last year but you are almost there. If you could get a kush job afterward is up to you; its worth a try.
Passing a course of study is a huge accomplishment that changes many peoples lives forever one of the few with a bachelors degree. The best kind of work. The most money, the highest class of people. Something more fulfilling. Huge accomplishment.
High functioning Sz are coddled and babied by most people around them. The truth is a sz diagnosis isn’t a death sentence. You can do anything you want including going to school.
And yes 95% of people on this forum are high functions. The low functioning schizophrenics are usually institutionalized or on the streets.
Bs I regret going to school everyday. The reality is that college just isn’t worth it anymore. There is an over saturated market for college graduates. The only thing college did was get me interested in politics. I’d rather not be into politics and be a low thinking person.
I was completely unable to sleep. First I was put on Seroquel. But after s 90 pound weight gain in one year I got taken off of it. Now I take Haldol as my AP and Doxepin for sleep. I sleep soundly now
Is it worth it depends on your major and your grades. I’m talking strictly financially here. The experience of college can be very worthwhile in its own right.
The only person who would get mad about my comment is a current college student. I was full of hope and optimism at that point too. It’s mostl BS. You’ll learn once you graduate.
@Moonwalker The fed said that 40-50% of people remain underemployed.