hey @Ninjastar
is my acount would be restricted for ever
if it is so then I will make a new account
please answer
@moshtaba. Your post is off-topic for this thread. Your account was set to New User three weeks ago because of concern about a post. If you continue to demonstrate good posting etiquette for a period of time, your account will be returned to Member status. Do not create another account to circumvent this restriction.
It is clearly stated that encouraging delusions is against the rules. It will continue to be against the rules. Any more talk of psychic healing will result in further action being taken against you.
I see
I moved these five posts into this new thread since they were off topic in the original thread they were posted in.
why my account is on the first day today again
what is happening here!!
what wrong I did!!!
@moshtaba. We already explained this to you.
But not today!!! I had less restrictions last two weeks
I didn’t have to wait 10 minutes for each reply past two weeks but today I’m not allowed
I have not done anything wrong in the past two weeks!
There has been no change in your account status in the last couple of weeks or since yesterday so the 10 minute delay must be due to something else like your internet connection.
Well, perhaps you posted more today compared to other days and that’s why you got this system message today.
In any case, your account will remain as New User for now.
Tough luck man.
I got the same message when i wAS new user too. For me it was like: 13 replies a day plus one reply after 36 minutes or so. Editing posts counts like a new post i think. Even on PM. The sistem sometimes after 13 replies put me to wait for 4 or 5 hours after my 13th reply. Lol. And i had only one reply more on the same day. But you can read and like posts after reaching the limit. Take care @moshtaba
Do you know how you become a member on this site? I only rejoined recently. I am a basic user. Do you just become a member automatically after using the site a certain amount? I was a member in the past on my old account. It seemed to happen automatically. @Moonbeam Sorry I just wonder about it.
@Wallaby The forum software automatically changes your “Trust Level (TL)” from New User (TL0) to Basic User (TL1), then to Member (TL2), based on criteria set by the forum software. You are currently a Basic User (TL1).
OK thank you. I was able to see on my account that I was a Basic User. I’m not too fussed, because I can still post as much as I want I think.
How to see your trust level?
It shows on your profile, except for New User (TL0). For New User (TL0), the user’s name is light grey which is how you can tell.
Hi @Moonbeam
why I’m still a new user after 3 month?