This website keeps blocking me from posting
First day for 24 hours
2nd day for 12 hours
Then again for 1 hour
Its crazy
This website keeps blocking me from posting
First day for 24 hours
2nd day for 12 hours
Then again for 1 hour
Its crazy
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Sorry it was a joke. I couldn’t help myself.
You’re on a new account and can Only do very limited things until you’re given full member permissions.
Admin are you there ?
You are considered a new user so your posts are limited.
Hello any actual admin there???
I’m a moderator.
Well it doesn’t surprise me why this site has hardly any new members if were treated like this???
How many more blocks should i expect?
You left and the rejoined. You now need to participate and build your account back up.
How can i participate if i keep being blocked
Looks like you’re posting fine to me.
Ive only just been unblocked again 3rd time in two days
Couple of people have pm me which i couldn’t even reply mid conversation
You’re just going to have to be patient and be active within the restrictions. New users are restricted to reduce the amount of trolling and spam.
Right i will see how i feel in 24 hours depends whether ive got the patience for it
Your call.
Hey, it’s all good. Stick around!
Give it a month or 2 and you will be a regular user. Then dont anonymize your account or you have to start all over again.
New users just have a set of parameters that moderators cant adjust.
Id imagine its just private messages that your having issues