This whole apartment building is full of the mentally ill. There are at least 4 of us in here. There’s also a convicted child molester in the building.
Once, I met one of the landlords outside while I waited for a ride. They asked how I liked the place. I said it was ok, never had any problems with people. She had the nerve to tell me “we like to keep it a family atmosphere around here”. What a load of ■■■■.
This place is for the dregs of society, myself included.
Malvok - I think you’re probably living in some relatively inexpensive accommodations - but just because its inexpensive doesn’t mean that people who live there are “the dregs of society”.
I don’t like that term “dregs”
Just because you don’t have a lot of money doesn’t mean you’re less valuable as a person than people who have lots of money - all you have to do is think about all those financial people who caused the world financial crisis because of their greed and you realize that many of people with lots of money are actually the “dregs” of society - and screwing things up for everyone else.
That comment just struck me as really unfair - to yourself, and to the others living there. Many of people that do great things for the world don’t have a lot of money. Its unfortunate - but its true.
I see people as DNA programs and are being re-programed constantly by everything they see and witness, So a CEO of a huge corporation or homeless meth addict I respect the same. Social Work
I commend you for taking initiative in an experience like this to alleviate the problem. Cops aren’t too savvy or have much etiquette when referring to “them”. One time a cop called my mom crazy in front of my face. Oh well what can you do. If I were you in the beginning I would of bought ear plugs and slept through the whole thing.