Psychiatrist on forum


I Think my Psychiatrist is on this forum. Im going to catch them out…

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I used to think my psychiatrist came here as well. Not anymore

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Your psychiatrist isn’t interested in stalking you. If they are, then you must be pretty important/special.

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My psychiatrist said he doesn’t have the time to look at this forum

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I told my psychiatrist I went on and he gave me a weird look as if he went on the site. Maybe I was misinterpreting his grin though.


Im going to get a plan to ease into it.

Cant just bust out the name of this forum.

Ive removed the picture i put up. Im currently non existent.

Ill make a plan. I know they look at this site 100 %

This is a public forum, and anyone can look on here for any reason. In my experience, though, most psychiatrists are overworked and understaffed, and probably don’t have the spare time to come on here and search through posts looking for their patients. They spend enough time dealing with mentally ill people, and probably need a break from it when they have free time.


Yeah m, if they came looking for your posts they’d probably have to charge you for the time


I know 100% that my psychiatrist looks at this forum. But, I don’t care. I don’t say anything on this site that he doesn’t already know.