Do you think Psychiatrists and therapists read this forum

Ive always been curious about this.

I suppose they so busy they dont even get the time to browse this forum.

Im sure some have though !!


They’ve probably google searched something and it came up here and they checked for like 10 mins before their patient comes in they exit out and forget about the site forever.


I’ve heard the ghost of R D Laing reads this forum . :wink:


I don’t know. I can see counselors who care reading this forum for a little while to try to understand. But I doubt for more than one day.

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I know quite a few psychiatrists as friends. Trust me when their working day is done the last thing they want to do is read this forum. They appreciate this is a patient resource - not a doctors


I really don’t think so

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I doubt they have the time, but I’m sure medical students look here for research.
In fact it wouldn’t surprise me if there are students here now posing as one of us, it coud be one you in fact or it could be me…:thinking:

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This happens a lot. At the start of every new semester, we get an influx of students asking questions or linking surveys. We block all of them except ones we think would actually benefit the psychosis community.

As for professionals, we don’t see many of those. Occasionally, someone will message us with a professional study they’re looking to recruit for. If we approve the study, it shows up, if we don’t, their account is deleted. But I’ve never seen a professional use this as a resource for anything more than study recruitment. They spend all day with crazy people. They don’t want to work more when they come home. Nobody just does free work off the clock for kicks.

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I’m pretty sure they’re too busy doing their jobs to mess around on here.


My last therapist wanted to know the name of this place (site)

I wouldn’t give it to her.

She was just nosy.


My therapist was interested in the forum. She wanted to k ow if it was well moderated and safe for me. Told her how to find it. She hasn’t mentioned it again. I’m assuming she checked and believes me it is a safe place.

I was going to post this question yesterday lol. I wonder sometimes, but they probably get confused with all the users and their own patients. Especially when you don’t have an account, you don’t participate, it’s not really beneficial. I opened my account for a bit before I started posting and felt so welcomed when I did start posting and it was a totally different environment then being a lurker!

Hi @Ninjastar. Thanks for the straight info.

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Honestly I think that if given the chance, many therapists would check up on their clients on the forum.
Just my hunch.

Yeah, they’re secretly jealous of us and they want to feel they belong.

Years and years ago a psydoc was known to come here but that was before my time. I’d suspect most professionals would be far too busy and wouldn’t have time. Also. The internet can be pretty toxic. I looked up my psydoc and lots of negative feedback. Sure he’s busy and always late but he’s a good handle on sz and I find top shelf. Lot’s of other folk didn’t have my experience!

I’ve wondered what became of him.

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