I don’t see my psychiatrist very often, maybe every 2 or 3 months. When I do it’s basically a hi hello see you in two or three months visit lasting less than 5 minutes. The Schizophrenia.com forum provides me with a place to talk and listen and learn about my living with schizophrenia. What’s better for you? Schizophrenia.com or your psychiatrist?
I get ideas from here,
I agree with you @Unclehenry. I only see my pdoc once every two months for about 15 minutes. I get a lot out of Sz.com
It pays to be proactive in your treatment. Knowing different meds and doing your own research is beneficial but I work with my psydoc for the best function. He has a lot of experience and I listen to his suggestions. Once every 6 weeks but I think your really crazy if your not well armed with knowledge of schizophrenia.
I get more from the forum. All my meetings with psychiatrists have been very short and unhelpful except for some meds and med adjustments.
@anon21849028 I agree. The first psychiatrist I had was great but he burned out and closed his practice. Now the guy I’m with is very rushed.
I definatley get more out of this site, reading other peoples experiences in real life in how they deal with there condition on a personal level. Its far different and better for me to gain tips and help on here - rather than just listenening to my psych, which is always very clinical. Im very glad i found this site. It helps me remember im not alone in battling this illness.
F_ckn’ eh @Naarai.
I see my pdoc for a few minutes once a month. Also, I think Sigmund Freud would say my prognosis for psychotherapy isn’t good.
I get a lot from hear also. I see my pdoc every three months. He has started setting me up with group therapy and art therapy and probably some CBT next month or in June. I’m learning how to open up to him so things are going better.
Whoa @Raven , that sounds like really good care. You’re fortunate.
It’s getting better. I go the VA for my care and have a good care team helping me. More money seems to be coming to support veterans now days. It wasn’t good at first but things are improving.
Awesome @Raven . My middle son is an alcoholic that is in a rehab program right now in a rural setting and a big part of the recovery program is CBT. He speaks very admirably of CBT. Says it is very helpful for him in getting to the root cause of why he drinks.
I don’t rate psychiatrists. Really apart from tweaking and changing meds they really do not much else. All they deal with is medicine.
Mine was pretty good in bad times, but now I stopped seeing him as I am stable.
As for the forum, I find it far more helpful. It’s the best community we have online.
If it’s had to trade one or the other I’d keep the forum.
I’ve seen the pdoc once in 19 months since I’ve been here. I think it’s because I’m a chronic and not acute case. More social difficulties ,and negatives rather than positives. I’m the kind who has some difficulty functioning adequately without support, but am not a full on danger to myself or others.
Definitely my psychiatrist I get the facts. Here is mostly anecdotes.
Which is helpful in its own right though
Ive had a lot of different pdocs, some talk more than others.i would like they get more engaged. But they know meds the best. But ive learned a lot on this forum too.
Ive learnt a shiit ton here.
I could be a psychiatrist !!
Pdocs probably still know more than us though right? I mean even if you come on here a lot they are still going to talk and interact with people with sz a lot more than you do.