Protecting the kidney

i noticed that almost every night i have to get up from sleep as i have the urge to urinate and i pee a little bit and with low flow of urine.i guess its related to my medications (antipsychotics) which i take at night. i want to know is it normal or its a symptom of a disease? is there a protective herb or drug i should take to protect my kidney?

If you need to get up and pee while you are sleeping it could be a sign of sleep apnea. It could be other issues as well but I forgot which.

Best would be to talk to the doctor!

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Diabetes can make you pee at night, too much liquids, enlarged prostate depending on age, caffeine. The list can go on.


how old are you? I had an enlarged prostate but I’m 62,

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Try not drinking anything two hours before bedtime.

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i am 36.but i dont think its prostate as iam not old.also this problem occurs only at night(after antipsychotics intake ) not all the day.

i usually eat at night after that take my antipsychotics and sleep.but if that is the case the urine flow should be strong also the urine volume should be large and dont have this intense urge to doesn’t happen in the morning only at night.

Some antipsychotics have what is called an anticholinergic side effect. One such side effect is the feeling of having to pee but you can’t get all the urine out. It is a strange feeling. I was put on desipramine and had this problem a long time ago.

Do a google search for anticholinergic effects and see if your antipyschotic might be blocking the acetylcholine receptor in your brain.

That is just my thought :woman_shrugging:

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