I used to be okay at it in the beginning of secondary school they it got towrse and worse now im much worse at it then ever before
I taught myself Calc 1-3 and used it at work but I forgot all of it. Gotta use the calculator for some stuff these days.
Yes, I forgot how to count. I can’t even make simple equations in my mind.
I also forgot how to cook elaborate foods.
A math course was the last class I needed to get my degree last year. It wasn’t easy but I got an A-.
I feel like a total idiot because i cant even do simple equations now. I was always bad at it. Now im a total idiot. I feel like i should get mental disability status for how much i dont know. It will never change with me im an idiot
Brilliant lucky you
You’re not an idiot. If you don’t use math for a long time you’ll just forget stuff.
Yeah but i could never get it. Iwas diagnosed with severe dyslexia and when i started getting psychotic i couldnt do it at all.
I don’t know.: math is a problem for me from a like ~6th grade
Is it something you are interested in? I am bad at learning except visually and wasn’t great at math in school. There’s resources like Khan Academy on YouTube where I learned Calc from.
Id like to be able to get good at it so that i can understand how to do crochet as it involves alot of counting and maths. Maybe i should just give it up ?
You can learn it all online at your own pace.
My math is probably at a grade school level by now. This is because I don’t use it enough, and I’m not motivated to practice on my own.
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