Problems with processing information or understanding what people say (cognitive symptoms)

I was diagnosed with psychosis 3.5 years ago. I’m on clozapine 225mg and valproic acid(extended release) 400mg.

Ever since my first psychotic episode, I have had problems with understanding what people say to me. Sometimes people repeat the same sentence 3 times and I still don’t get it. It feels like I have problems with processing information. Anybody know what is the technical name for this condition ? Someone told me I may have poor working memory or problems with attention/concentration or maybe poor executive functioning. I’m not sure though.

Someone suggested that drugs which are given for dementia may help with such symptoms such as memantine or donepezil.

Anybody have any thoughts or experience with such situation ?

Yes I have the same problem. It’s like people talk too fast.

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Same for me. My mom sometimes repeats it slower when she’s mad. I get it until I go in the store and totally forget what she just said. It’s hard.

I have this! I can’t remember days or dates, either. Or names. Or tasks. I can’t focus on people’s words either, not if there’s a single other sound I can hear simultaneously.

If I’m eating at the dinner table, and someone is talking to me, I get distracted by the sound of people chewing. I hear the forks hitting the plate really loudly. I can’t concentrate because the sounds are overwhelming to me.

I am still working on this. Aside from sarcosine, I am trying different mind exercises to build concentration. I heard Tetris is good for PTSD symptoms

so now I play video games like 8 ball online pool, chess, tetris, and something called mind games that is like a game for memory and speed. I can now sit through several games of online pool without getting distracted or bored—before I could barely finish one game, I would be so restless and distracted.

Here’s the link to mindgames:

It’s not a cure all, but at least I’m practicing sitting still and focusing on something!

PS When I was actively psychotic, and for a period of months after I was better but in recovery, I couldn’t hear people speak to me. I was too scattered mentally. After some months, some of the jarring inability to concentrate went away on its own. I couldn’t read a comic strip, let alone a book back then. Now, my mind is better, but I’m still working on these issues you are talking about. :smiley:

Best of luck to you!

I much prefer information/instructions written down than spoken to me. It can be hard to retain information when spoken.
I have problems with executive function and slow processing speed.

Clozapine is a strong drugs that can make some troubles on speak and listening.when i was clozapine i couldn t read anything.maybe it has similar problems on you.

Gosh, I have this too, especially on the phone sometimes.

I am trying the BrainHQ exercises someone recommended in another thread. Probably pretty similar to the mind games you’re talking about. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I always felt like it was being interpreted as not being interested. But, yes, I know what it’s like when my brain just won’t work. My mental muscle is paralyzed.

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I have had tried the following drugs in the hope it might fix the problem

ritalin(methylphenidate) - made me more psychotic on it

strattera(atomoxetine) - made my memory very good but became more anxious with tremors. Not sure if it was helping with information processing

pristiq(Desvenlafaxine) - had to quit it due to sexual dysfunction

zoloft(sertraline) - made me more psychotic on it

provigil(modafinil) - took it for 2 years, maybe was helping partially with cognition, but later became more psychotic on it

I may try strattera and provigil again at low doses to see if it helps. Another option is donepezil/memantine.

It often happens when you have sz. For me I often feel I am slowing down and the world is speeding up. It is a nightmare…

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This happens to me. its like my brain doesnt want to to focus on what a person is saying

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Its due to reducing working memory. Its also the main reason for OCD.

If do one activity or think about something mind goes blank for every other thought, urge etc. So if some distraction come then that distraction disrupts the main activity and need to restart, redo and appear like OCD compulsion.

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