Practicing a lot on my guitar. musicians unite!

There are many people here that record, write and compose music and I just am saying hey I am playing my guitar a lot again and I forgot how therapeutic it is to play? Anyone avidly playing the guitar on here?


I’m trying to record a little backbeat riff and send it to @turningthepage so he can hopefully rap over it…

I’ll figure it out eventually.


Hello, I jam on the guitar quite a bit. I play lots of folk, rock, and blues.


I play every day


I am very challenged when it comes to music. I like what I like. I’m glad you’re playing music and being constructive.

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Yeah currently I still take lessons and practice everyday for guitar cause why not? My school is centered around guitar making and repair. I can manage some improvisation on the ukulele and I recently got a mandolin to goof around with. I like to try to play rock and metal music on the mandolin cause I hate bluegrass and all that haha. I’m really running out of room to store all of my music gear like my amps and my 7 guitars. I wish I had room to buy a bass but I would have to clear everything under my bed for it so it wouldn’t get in the way. I’m semi addicted to buying music gear in general.