Playing the guitar again!

Today I got my guitar back from the pawn shop and I’ve been working on getting my callouses back on my playing left hand. I still have plenty of money to be comfortable all month for the rest of the pay period…why didn’t I see how much better I’d be off without cigarettes???


That’s good for you @jukebox!

I’ve started playing my guitar again as well!

I’m sure that you are a better guitar player than I am @jukebox :slight_smile:

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awww @Wave I don’t think I’m really good. I only play a handful of leads on the guitar. I mainly play covers of songs…I do know a bunch of songs, maybe about 300 seventies songs, eighties songs and nineties songs. I did know some white stripes but I’ve forgotten it now. I really enjoy playing. it still hurts my fingers to touch the strings but I’m going to play an hour a day until I get callouses again.


Nice. Playing music definitely takes me away from the pains.