Ppl around me achieve that dream?

ppl around me achieve that dream ?
that dream i m all my life dreaming of
to live independant life in certain place far from his parents family
but i cant

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Happy birthday!

Yeah it’s tough but I don’t judge my life on others. I know it’s hard depending on where you are but I do ok on disability. I don’t date or anything because when your 50 and living with your dad it just gets old really quick but I live a good life.

You can still lead a good life. Get rid of expectation and you’ll never be disappointed so don’t try and compete with others in the usual things. Find your niche. Find what your good at and work from there.

I volunteered for years and it was good. Kept me busy and gave me direction. If you don’t have disability where you are find a job your good at and can excel. Things happen if your living and it might surprise you.


thank you
and living alone for us … is very difficult
you know
we need support all the time
wish you best of luck :)))))

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As with you. Keep fighting. It’s hard for all of us but your valued here and will be valued there too. Just don’t accept second best and keep fighting for better function.

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