New life goals and moving on

I will move on with my life. I am tired of this empty life.

People are living their lives, having kids, starting families and i am here trying to solve how the past was. who the hell cares. It is unfortunate I have not many people around me to help me like family but I have been alone for 10 years. Today I have been thinking maybe it is something good to be alone. I have complete freedom and choice over my life.

But another 10 years like this is illogical.

:ring: :baby_bottle:

Don’t you have a boyfriend?

But I agree there are advantages of being alone. The freedom and choice helps develop individuality and independence IMO.

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LOL yeah but he does not make my decisions or choices. :confused:

and lonely I mean family around me like mom and dad, sister / brother / cousins / nephews / aunties and uncles. I have no one, only a few friends. My bf has a life of his own. we spends weekend together and honestly i have so much free time that I think about him and what is wrong in my life more than necessary.

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Oh I see you. I know your relationship with your boyfriend isn’t peaches and cream, but I get an image in my head of him being a good guy and all you know? I hope you find what is best for you.


thank you and likewise :slight_smile:

yes he is a great guy :slight_smile:


If you’re not happy , you can work to change it.

I just wonder a lot. I see the whole world rushing after jobs and climbing ladders and in the process just not enjoying their lives. People want a better job so they can get a house and a car but no time to enjoy their home. What good is a house without a home.


The two symbols that scare me the most ! :flushed:


what are you talking about @anon80629714 ?
I can enjoy my life as much as I can. I have time and lucky enough to just sleep all day long and not do anything. I have a house, it is as I always dreamt. I have a job I love. I am ambitious. I love being productive and working.

This is my life and I need to accept it and move on. What more can anybody ask in their life? I am MI so it is tough struggle but maybe if I have someone like a kid to take care of, I will stop focusing on my MI so much.

I will of course take absolute 200% precaution in everything I do and be closely monitored. I still have not discussed with my doc but I asked him once and he said, yes you can have a kid.

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I misunderstood I thought this meant you want to change things…

I’m just saying the difference between home and house is… I feel people just spend so much time investing their time to buy houses. They forget their home.

House - building
Home - family

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I’m obviously having a hard time explaining myself at this time of the day. Better sleep before I talk more ■■■■


aw no thank you :slight_smile: have a goodnight :kissing_heart:

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Selene I’m sorry you’re unhappy but I kind of look up to people like you. I guess I need to get my arse moving so I can get where you and others are at.

You have a lot to be proud of and I think you’re a nice person,

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I love being single. It’s better for me.

I don’t like being in a relationship. I hate being told what to do. All the stress is not worth it.


no one tells you what to do in a healthy relationship :flushed:
Yeah it is more supportive than stressful. I am happy and lucky. I am just living with resentment for no reason which makes me unhappy. Plus I feel anhedonia so

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Yeah I don’t get the apparent desire of some men to control women. I don’t see myself becoming that way.

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it is something to share ideas and be involved and care. It is something else to try to control?! some women are like that too.

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Yeah, I can see some women being that way. I just hope I don’t get involved with a woman that is doing something really harmful. It might be hard for me to leave. By harmful I mean things like substance abuse or that sort of thing.
No offense meant to people who deal with that kind of stuff. It’s a medical issue.

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I’ve only been in bad controlling/abusive relationships.

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Sorry to hear that Jackie, I’m glad you got out.


Admirable. I would like to do this one day. There are obstacles but I will try anyway.

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