POLL: what's your weight: underweight, normal, overweight, or obese?

if you dont know how to classify your weight, here is a BMI calculator where you put in your weight and height.

what’s your weight like?
  • on the lower side of underweight
  • on the higher side of underweight
  • on the lower side of normal
  • on the higher side of normal
  • on the lower side of overweight
  • on the higher side of overweight
  • on the lower side of obese
  • on the higher side of obese

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I am on the higher side of obese but I am very muscular underneath all the fatty tissue I have. Nevertheless, I have to sweat off my weight.

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There are 9 body types. Mine is number 3 or so my weight scale says.

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I’m in the middle of low to high overweight

I’m on the higher side of normal.
It said I am normal.

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No category normal?

It said I’m fat.

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Another one (calculator.net) I checked said I need to lose 75lbs, 34kg.

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I need to lose weight, but I can’t seem to work up the motivation to exercise.


My BMI has gone from 31.5 to 22.1 in a year. I really want to keep the weight down.

Have been here before, and put all the weight back on again

Hopefully doing a physical job will prevent this.

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I’m in the higher range of normal.

Taking clozapine, I’m very lucky not to be fatter.


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I’ve lost so much weight due to my neuromuscular disease. I lost weight very rapidly in a short span of time. My mom was very concerned when I dropped below 100 pounds. Thankfully, I gained 10 pounds from 45kg.

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Doc says I’m 100 pounds overweight.

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My BMI is on the border between normal and overweight but my fat percentage is not high at all. BMI doesn’t work well when you do strength workouts.

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I made the mistake of taking remeron and gained 25lbs.

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i had a really nice weight despite meds and was so proud of myself until i had a broken marriage. then it started, the obesity i mean. wish i could return to my former self again.


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It doesn’t really account for muscle, but I am still obese, I just look a lot more. . . built. And even when I had anorexia, I still had a lot more stature and muscle than is usual for almost starving to death.


I am obese, 278lb but was 295lb before I started to replace my breakfast with a protein bar.

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When I did a low carb low fat diet for a month I was 268lb.

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