just wondering if anybody likes a cold shower
- warm shower
- cold shower
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just wondering if anybody likes a cold shower
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I hate showering but the only part that isn’t totally awful is that I can turn it almost scalding hot.
My son takes cold showers unless it’s after a workout then it’s hot. Sometimes he’ll take 2 a day, one hot and one cold.
I prefer the after effects of a cold shower. But u hav to summon a lot of will power to stand under it for 5 minutes
yeah I was going to try it because I heard there were benefits but I didn’t have the will power to stand in it for longer than 20 seconds
I find it easier if I rotate the body. Like I do a minute on my back, then 30 seconds on my front. But sometimes I can’t even manage that
I don’t think that my body would be able to handle a cold shower.
I would go in to shock or something
Motivating myself to take a warm shower is hard enough. If I had to take showers cold then I’d never shower.
Warm 1515151515
Not too cold,not to hot.
I once tried taking cold showers. I’ll stick with warm showers from this point on
I prefer a hot bath followed by a cold one.
I like hot showers, except in the summer when I like to cool off.
You should have put hot shower that’s what I take
Nobody takes a cold shower unless their drunk.
I do this too. I like it just below scalding hot. When I’m done it’s like sitting in a sauna, even though I don’t shower often
Warm shower is much more comfortable, while cold shower makes me feel more like alive.
cold really can be energizing. I just cant bring myself to do it.
I hate showering anyway, it’s one of the self-care things I struggle with. I only shower because people expect me too, and I don’t want to start smelling bad or have my hair turn greasy and have people notice that at work or so, not because I myself really want to. But when I shower, I shower warm. Only when I was in Asia and the weather was really hot I’d take cold showers - it were the only showers they had at times.
There’s something about cold water nowdays, that I can’t take on me. When I was younger I swimmed in a 14Celsius water and stuff. Brrrrrrr!!
I hate cold showers.
If I didn’t have warm water I wouldn’t shower.period