When I was manic on higher doses of Lamictal, my psychiatrist lowered my Lamictal dose from 100mg to 25mg.
I am currently on a lowered dose of Lamictal and no longer feel manic, I am back to “normal”
She also said that I should increase my Risperdal dose from 4mg to 5mg.
The thing is that I no longer feel manic so why raise the Risperdal?
I don’t like the over medicated feeling I get on 5mg.
I mean should I follow her orders and increase the Risperdal?
I’m not going to vote because I think that is between you and your doctor but I think that you should have a discussion with her about exactly why she is raising it at this point and maybe you can come to some kind of joint understanding as to whether or not it is still necessary.
In the end it is your choice, and if you don’t feel like it’s worth it, that’s fine. Overmedication is a real problem, and you have enough insight to know what’s good for you.
Risperdal is for Mania as well but when she lowered the Lamictal dose my moods went back to normal.
I don’t see the point in her raising my Risperdal dose any longer.
I see her in 2 weeks and I’ll talk to her about it then.
In the meantime I won’t increase the Risperdal and I’ll see how I do.
I don’t want to be on a traditional mood stabilizer
Ok so here’s what I think some doctors don’t know what there talking about others do and if you feel fine and nobody’s saying that your not making any sense than it’s probably working just my two cents
You know better…
If you feel mania again, do extra 0.5 mg Risperdal and thats it.
You are sensitive to meds, you know that.
Your psychiatrist is just off ing you