Poll: Possible new rule

Hey folks. We have been getting a lot of messages from people regarding the long running threads (Say Anything, Meme Thread, Post A Selfie, etc) about wanting to take a turn with starting the thread, or feeling like other people get to start the threads more often than they do. This is not against the rules, but enough people have mentioned wanting the turns to be more even that we figured it was worth asking the main forum.

The proposed rule would be this: If you started the previous iteration of the thread, you have to let someone else start the next one. If they start the next thread anyways, that thread would be deleted. This would not be a suspendable or silencing offense. The only consequence would be deleting the thread so another person gets a chance to make the next one.

  • Yes, I want this to be a new rule
  • No, I do not want this rule
  • I do not care
0 voters

It doesen’t matter much to me personally, but I can see how it could be fun and engaging to start one of these threads, so therefore I vote yes. Doesen’t hurt to pass it around.


Sure why not, make it a new rule. it’s the little things in life that make you happy and if starting a new huge thread makes you happy you should have a fair chance to do it. I’m sure the same people who usually start those threads can see this point of view.

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Honestly if somebody makes a new thread stealing somebody’s thread like copying and pasting it then it would be annoying but making another “say anything” I really don’t care let them do it lol

I don’t see a reason why not

usually id say less rules would be better and it should be just a courtesy thing, but yea if its a problem maybe having it as a rule but without penalty is a good idea.

To broaden to topic we’re mostly all adults we should be allowed to swear we all get frustrated and need to vent



I used to want to start saying anything threads so bad but I never was on frequent enough lol

I voted I don’t care but that seems harsh

Not worried at all either way

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First come first serve.

I know I already said my opinion but can we make a poll about allowing swearing @moderators

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It’s an additional monitoring, IMO.

There are people trying to beat out others on starting new threads and it results in bruised feelings. My suggestion is this at least: No starting a new thread until the old thread passes 950 posts. Discourse starts to have problems with threads that pass 1,000 posts. I’d say between 950 and 1,000 is the sweet spot. This would stop people trying to start a new Say Anything thread at 830 posts on the old one.




I think a better idea is allowing swearing

Just my opinion I know it’s currently against the rules but rules can change

I think I’m pushing too much but I think it’s a important rule change

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You need to use your fargin’ imagination, you cork-suckin’ icehole.


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The ability to start a thread allows the creator to have the ability of posting more than 3 posts in a row.

For threads like say anyhting with multiple users this ability isn’t really necessary as a lot of people post in it.

In the meme thread with less users and contributors this power is wasted on a creator who lacks the interest to contirbute. This results in a slower thread and limits freequent posters ability.

Why they would even open the thread seems pointless to me?

I am against this new rule in the Meme thread anyway and it doesn’t really affect any other thread so much anyway.

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There is zero chance of this happening. The admin team already told us they will not be allowing swearing on the site. I hope this answers things definitively for you, even if it is not what you wanted to hear.


Ok I’ll never bring it up again I’m sorry I just thought it was a good idea I’ll never bring it up again

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If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

lol, we’re all supposed to be adults here anyway, what’s wrong with adult language? as long as its not insulting anyone, i don’t see the harm.

But to the OP, about this rule change…Idk what goes on behind the scenes but from what i have seen its not difficult to ask near the end of the thread if you can be the one to start the next one Or someone could say 'who wants to start a new thread,

I don’t know if it has to be a rule, i remember when i started a 3 positives thread and then asking if anyone else wanted to do it, i think @SacredNeigh7 and a few other people did that, it is a slower thread but some people still like it.