POLL: How often do you have panic attacks?

  • Never
  • Very rarely
  • Once or twice a month
  • Once or twice a week
  • Every day
0 voters

Like every six months.

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I think that falls under very rarely. Glad you dont have them often.

Mines really really bad around crowds of people. I get nervous and feel like I don’t fit in and panic.

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I’m sorry, I hope they stop for you.

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I get anxiety but not panic attacks. When I struggled to breathe, it was pneumonia and not really an emotional issue.

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I dont experience full blown freak out panic attacks very often. But i feel i have an almost constant low level of anxiety that rises and falls regularly. I only really like hyperventilate and scream-cry while rocking back and forth, crouched in the corner of a room when im very unwell and pretty much in psychosis. Thats when im in my worst state anyway.


The last panic attack I had was in 2020, so I voted never. Has been a very long time. I am lucky.

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I used to panic before I was on an antipsychotic.

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I only had horrible panic attacks while on geodon. Once off, I never had them again.


I only get panicky if i have to use the restroom and i cant

Glad you don’t have them anymore after stopping Geodon.

I have terrible panic attacks. Makes it hard for me to breathe.

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I put never, but thinking back, in reality, I used to sometimes have something resembling a panic attack sometimes when I had guitar lessons. Something I would call a “situational panic attack”. Totally made up phrase, but I can’t think of any other way to describe it.

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Only when i use too much of that which must not be spoken of :evergreen_tree:. Then its bad. Completely uncontrollable breathing and feeling like im gonna die.

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Mine was probably more of an anxiety attack though. I dont know.

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I learned how to beat panic attacks and anxiety…it took a long time…p m me if you want to know how I did it…

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Just saying, you were freaking out about Missys spaying, and seemed in a panic.


I panic everyday thinking what will happen if I fail and what will happen if I lose job and what will happen if things don’t go well at home. Pretty much eat me alive… lol


not the same kind of panic…yes I still get upset.