How often a week do people have panic attacks

At the moment I am having 2 a week.

I am lucky in the sense mine happen normally in the afternoon so am free during the morning.

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Had several yesterday at work. Lousy day. Just pushed through and kept going.

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Is your job stressful Shutterbug?

I’ve had 2 in the past 4-5months… and lasted about 5mins… just need to see it through and I go back to being numb lol

I have them around 5 times a week often during my shifts at work

They tend to hit me hard about a few times a month

Like literally feels like I am having a heart attack

I used to have a panic disorder…with therapy I beat the panic and anxiety and now I no longer have panic attacks…it’s mind over matter, just unplug the fear associated with the panic attacks and you beat it…it takes a lot of fighting and perseverance to get where I’m at…good luck.

I have them so bad my heart rate goes from 80 to 190 in a matter of seconds I can feel the blood rush through my body

Mine are classed as severe so severe my driving licence has been revoked.

No medication helps either.

It is the stress to external events

When I was in my teens and 20’s I got them about 4 times a week. Now that I am much older, I get them about once a month.
I am not sure why but I really think getting older helped. Maybe because I ride through them better with less fear. I just know from years of experience that they mean nothing and will pass soon.
Also, I used to take Xanax for them but now I am able to get through them without a benzo.

I had one a couple of weeks ago, didn’t take my beta blocker when I was supposed to and wham!

Makes you think your having a heart attack to huh

Agoraphobia too fear of being in open spaces like being in the city centre and people watching

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I had one yesterday just the thought of going out in public to the grocery store but I have to eat I had no choice

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Maybe once a month. Hate the feeling.

Insurance broker. So, yes. But no worse than when I worked at McDonald’s, or as a chef, or as an I.T. professional. Most stressful was being a wedding photographer. I hate brides. I don’t hate women, but I’m not sure brides are human.

Life is stressful, so if you’re going to have panic attacks, get a good salary attached to them.

I suppose being an insurance broker you have to deal with stroppy customers trying to make claims so I guess it is stressful. :frowning:

I never mind helping a customer make a claim. The whole point of my job is that we are there to reach out to a customer when they’re having one of the worst days of their life and to help them come back from it. The frustation comes from insurance companies not being responsive enough on the claim or weaseling on denying parts or all.

I had one claim where a vehicle managed to launch off a road and land on the roof (!!!) of a home. The claim was denied because vehicle damage was an option not purchased. Well, okay, but the vehicle landed on TOP of the home and that is a falling object, and ALL falling objects are covered. I disputed the rejection and the company grudgingly reversed their decision and paid for damages.

So that’s my life.

I have anxiety attacks now instead of panic attacks. I have one about once a week.

How long do they last bittercat?

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