I often wonder if I was in error in taking my AP before bed. it is abilify. I think it puts me to sleep, but also gives me restless legs. How about you. Does your AP put you to sleep or wake you up?
I take Haldol and it’s neutral. Pretty much every AP I’ve tried is neutral. At super ■■■■■■■ high knock you in your ass drooling levels they make me sleepy, so if I had to choose I’d choose that. But no. It’s neutral.
Geodon makes me sleep longer than I used to, but I used to only sleep 3-6 hours a night. So I don’t think it sedates me. It just stops me from being woken up by voices.
Not currently taking meds but when I did they only ever knocked me out. To the point where I could not function at the dosage I needed to not be psychotic. Not fun when you already have a sleep disorder. I guess you can’t be psychotic if you’re in a stone cold sleep!
The only sedating AP I ever took was geodon. I never went on one that acted like a stimulant or anything though. Unless you count heavy anxiety as that.