Poll: Do you wanna know the purpose of life?

  • Yep
  • Nope

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I feel its nope for me, as it’s an endless question.


I think the purpose of life is simply to survive. Anything else is just something you’re doing for your own fulfillment.


I think the purpose of life for me is freedom

And yep I did wanna know


I never thought of this. Good one @agent101g

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My hypothesis is that the purpose of life is to acquire character. It’s too bad I feel like a two year old sometimes, lol.


I just feel like people over-examine this question. The planet’s going to die when the sun blows up, I mean it’s a long way off but it basically renders everything we do pointless, so I just live to have fun and survive.

Also making sure not to hurt anyone else along the way. That’s an important one.


I had no friends for years and went to a clinic that assigned pretty young girls as your counselor to see every week. I met with several at Starbucks for many years. I always wondered if they felt weird about it, because I had no one else in my life.


The purpose of life for all living creatures whether they be animals, birds, insects, fish and lizards is to consume sustenance and procreate if it is possible for them.

The purpose of life for humans is similar; however, Maslow’s Hierarchy states that mankind can reach a pinnacle point of self-actualization.


I wish he had included, Quality of Life.


Foundational purpose seems to be finding the soulmate. Person you interact with that turns your brain to utter mush. Then do something else with some kind of religious tie-in (depending on personality,) and you’ll be fine.

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Idk, never really wanted to get married, Holy Matrimony, but also cuz of insurance reasons for my daughter.

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Even just thinking of the girl of my affections puts my mind at ease.


Knew it once during episode. Knew it all.

Can’t remember it now a days. No matter, I’m sure it was probably dissatisfying.

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The purpose of life is…




Annoying other people

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Financial freedom, Passion, Happiness

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The purpose of life varies from person to person.

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Don’t care. Things happen, things don’t happen. Life is life (to quote Laibach), then it isn’t. Meh.

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There is no meaning of life.

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The purpose of life in the universe is to end tragically!

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I already know it.

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