Family visiting troubles

Does anyone else have trouble when visitors come? It just throws me off. All the noise and action breaks up my quiet daily routine. I often get paranoid when company comes.


I used to hate it yes.


I dislike visitors too.


My brother, his wife, his 3 year old son and 4 month old baby are here till tuesday. I spent most of the time in my room yesterday. It makes me feel bad i cant enjoy their company. But its just hard ya know?


yea when my siblings and their kids come here i spend most time in my room too. I just can’t take all the noise of them for too long.


yeah i don’t like family visits either. it’s stressful and invasive of my normal routine.


It’s the same for me. I visit as much as I can and then I retreat to safety. My wife knows, understands, and mostly runs interference for me (the exception being her parents - she is not rational when they are in the mix).


Its hard. I love my brother. But his wife just talks sooo much. It bothers my brain.


Depends on who is visiting and if we share common intetests.

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i feel the same
i start anxious until they come
then i get paranoid of what they are going to do while here
like steal or break something or ask questions about me not working or why i dont do everything for my mom
which she wont let me do
then crazy thinking when they leave about how gross i am and horrible to my mother
idk i just cant deal with people
i understand where you are coming from

I got paranoid last night woth everyone here. Stayed up till 3am waiting for the cops to come. I always think my parents call them. Of course they didnt come, as usual.

Im trapped in my room. Well, kinda. I could go out but im afraid of getting paranoid. My sister just showed up and her 2 kids are here. Her kids are very awkward but both really like me. But i dont do well with kids. Or my sister. Just her voice is enough to make me paranoid. I cant wait until this night is through and everyone goes home.

Although i will miss my brother. He is super chill and his 3 year old son is a lot of fun. He is mostly always happy. Its gonna be quiet tomorrow.


I don’t do well with my sister n nephew either.
Really uncomfortable around them.

I’m uncomfortable around my own father most of the time too.

It can feel unbearable being with family.

I love them and they are family but it is as it is…

I avoid them but “have” to see them a few times a year atleast.

Christmas Day I might have a couple of drinks.

I’m more comfortable with my boyfriend family than with my own.

I think that’s because some of them or most of them look down at me for not working n see me as a loser.

I doubt they see you as a loser. Although i feel like my brother wants me to work. Ive tried working but it just hasnt panned out. My family used to be everything to me. Now its painful and paranoia inducing to be around them.

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I know my father does.
He has said so to me anc said horrible things how fat I am and that I don’t deserve good things etc.
He doesn’t value me and he can’t appreciate me.

He has always hated people that don’t work .

He looks down at people specially fat people as disgusting.

Yeah. My mom has patted my belly before. It made me feel like ■■■■. She only does it when she is drunk. It drives me f’n crazy

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The thing is he doesn’t do it with love or humour but it feels more like hate and disgust.

Yikes. Im sorry. That sounds frustrating. Some people just dont understand mental illness

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My family don’t gather anymore as all my aunts fell out with each other over Covid

Now I don’t get to see them altogether, and I actually miss it

I don’t normally like mixing with others, but these people have always been there

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