For the first year, yes. I was a Libertarian and sort of in shock and my family refused to help me. Then I decided like a few weeks ago to get off SSI and go back to work because no one else will take care of me including the government…I want more in life…
I don’t feel guilty. I used to. What I hate is how my dad, who tried to raise me to believe being on disability is a sign of weakness, signed me up for benefits without my consent when I was being hospitalized for my first psychotic break and made himself my payee so he could feel entitled to half my check each month. He’s no longer my payee now, thankfully.
My uncle is on disability he lives in a mobile home park and gets 1300 a month in government cheese. He hasn’t worked in 20 years. He’s unmarried no children. He has a really bad back had a bunch of back surgeries. He lived a tough life. He inherited 200 thousand from his mom my grandmother when she died. My dad can’t cut him a check because he would lose disability checks. It’s not for me.
Schizophrenia affected me big time I used to work and be paranoid and hear horrific voices while I worked extremely hard. It burnt me out big time so I don’t know what I’m going to do in the future
I didn’t feel guilty back when I was on them, and now I’m happy that I’m in a position to help contribute to those who are where I was.
I just feel like a loser BUT… I’m getting healthier I might be able to work a little soon but also I’m getting worse too for some reason but I still think I can work some soon
Not really. I expect my family feels worse about it for me then I do. They probably think I’m just lazy or something.
W/e. I think if they were in my position they would know that its a ■■■■ spot to be.
For me, the operative word here is “sometimes”. There are times when I hear about strained public budgets, and I feel guilty for not being productive. I don’t know how my personal situation will turn out, but if I feel like they can keep me safe and relatively comfortable I will take it easy on them at the settlement hearings. On the other hand, I have no reason to trust them, and lots of reasons to distrust them.
I’d rather be included in society and have a job where I don’t have to hide ■■■■ from my employer.
@anon99082702 I can relate very much to what you’re saying. Even though I hate insurance companies, and they owe me blood, not just money, I will never feel right about being on disability.
If I could work within my limits, and not get cut off, I probably would have given it a try years ago. Unfortunately, under Insurance legislation, the minute I try to return to work I lose everything. So if I worked under the table, I would feel like a scammer. If I tell them about it, I lose all support
■■■■■■■ pisses me off, because it has kept me bound. I’ve done a lot of volunteer work, but it’s not the same as the satisfaction of working
My last psychdoc said I would never qualify for disability and told me to work. He told me it is not worth it. I do now know if this is true. But, I work now. Truthfully, work is ok but at times I wish my illness was always stable. I sometimes still hear voices- causing much pain and anxiety. I wish it were not so. I am glad I work though. I am free and independent. Nobody bothers me now.
there is moments that i feel guilty about but then i think about the work i did and how i contributed too and now i really need the help… but sometimes i wish i could still work.
I did at first. But after a couple of years of feeling sorry for myself, I realized that I earned my disability and to make the best of it.
I feel ashamed. I even cancelled them all at one point due to mania when not on meds and no care. Things spiral pretty quickly when you can’t work and have no income… I feel its good to claim them as it’s necessary, but yeah, I feel bad about doing it.
I have dissability till 2023.
Thats time to get an education or job.
And plan my future.
But yeah, ive felt bad about it.
I felt guilty in the past for years and years. These days I demand more money, cause I can’t be offered a suitable job. But I can’t work anymore, I worked till I fatigued, never again. When I wouldn’t have sz I would be on an early retirement pension.
I only feel guilty because I know a lot of people who deserve to be on disability, but aren’t able to (for a variety of reasons).
I lucked into it, it’s totally unfair
Lmao, get flagged cause someone is proud hes beat the system. Wait till you actually the one paying into the system for this guy you might see it differently. Atleast have some respect about it. It aint the lotto for christ sakes !
Well, I’m poor but all my needs are met with a little extra to save ---- my benefits pay for a nice apartment in walking distance to groceries on food stamps, I have 75 (no kidding) nice stripey polo shirts from thrift stores ---- I can’t complain, its a roof over my head and a hot shower, though I’m poor I’ve found that utilizing resources I can live quietly and comfortably