Poem: Akathisia


rocking back and forth,
i am compelled to
move, this inner
restlessness goading me
on, one of the fringe
benefits of the pills
i take, feeling a bit
like a madman from
a bad movie, i
simply cannot sit
still for very long,
taking another pill
to calm me and
bring stillness to
my weary body, pills,
pills and more pills


This is good! You really captured it.

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Thanks @Wesley! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I wrote a play called The Pill People

it’s pretty funny

I blogged that SNL could have it if they give me commission.

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It’s cool that you write plays. I remember you posting a lot of poetry on the old site but i wasn’t aware you wrote plays, too. I don’t think i could write anything that long. I’ve started books when i was manic but they fizzled out when the mania did.

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Very nice :slight_smile: keep making this poems!


Thanks @Greenmind! :slightly_smiling_face:

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