Poem: Pill Box

“Pill Box”

so many meds i take,
pills galore, medicine
bottles all lined up
neatly on my desk where
they wait until the
next time i have to
refill my weekly pill
box, pills for everything,
pills for this and pills
for that and pills
for the side effects
of other pills, so much
to keep track of as i
pursue better living
through chemistry


I can totally relate.
Nice poem!

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Thanks @Wave! :sunglasses:

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That comes it up for me too.
Great poem!!:grin::joy::grinning:


Thanks @Raven! :sunglasses:

What I get from this beautiful poem is the dependence and never ending cycle of medication. We live to take medicine for some peace of mind. It all resonates with me. Great poem.

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Thanks for reading @anon97970229! :sunglasses:

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They’ll Drink A Joint And Smoke Liquid,
Pop A Village,
Drone A Strike,
Bust A Union,
Flag False,
Sell A Product,
Profit off A Widget,
Exploit A Labor,
Rescue A Bank,
■■■■ A Laborer,
Promise Anything,
Take The Foot Ball Away,

Greed Isn’t Just, It’s Just Greed.

To That Powerful End, That Justifies Those Means.

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Yeah, there’s a lot of craziness going on behind the scenes. Thanks for reading @mister_lister! :sunglasses:

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