Please say a prayer for me

My mind is trying to kill me. I don’t want to go to crisis.


Prayers are sent, seek assistance so your prayers can work for you.


I hope and pray that you will get well soon.


How do you make a poll on here.

Nevermind 135674256

Thank you. I am going to phone crisis.

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Do you know a hospital where you know you’ll receive particularly good care? Go there? What’s bothering you?

Meh. Same ■■■■ diff month

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Sending a little prayer your way.

My heart goes out to you

You’ll survive Roxanna. Just let them help you.

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You might be suffering from a misunderstanding. Blood from our periods is often thought of as bloodshed. It is not bloodshed of violence. It is the release of blood in a sexually mature female, blood that would nourish a baby had she gotten pregnant. Exercise your mind and don’t agonize over an oversimplification of what a period is. As far as I know, nobody beat you into having a period.

@roxanna I will keep you in my thoughts and :pray:.

Please update us with how you’re doing.

If you don’t want to go to crisis they should exhaust all the alternatives. But try not to awfulize about those places. They aren’t that terrible to be in.

Roxanna, you need to seek help, don’t be afraid.

Also, it seems like they never keep you long. Maybe you should ask about staying longer until things have calmed down? There’s no shame in it, and you can’t keep being sent home to suffer.

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I left early again. Now latuda 60mg after dinner. I’m going to ask my caseworker if I can get on a list for a therapist. I wanted to start latuda in my environment.

Something weird happened. A nurse was crying after looking at me. It made me think.

I will put you on my prayer list, @roxanna. Gd bless.


Next time i pray to mormon God i will ask that roxannas mind would calm down. Im really serious when i pray.

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