I need to go to the hospital.i called thwe crisis center and the lady said she had to look sometjong up and would call back. The thing is is i dpnt thinly bf would walk up there with me.
Im pim pretty sure im headibf toward insanity.
Good luck… i notice when my insanity is building my spelling becomes an issue… the small signs of insanity if noticed on time can prevent you from meeting the big ones…
I’m happy you’re going to the hospital, @roxanna. They will help you. You will feel better soon.
I wish i felt better.years piling up.
Please do go to the hospital. They will be able to adjust your meds.
Good luck! I think it’s the best place for you right now.
Good luck friend I hope you can find balance soon!
Thanks for the encouragement.im waiting for a phone call
Please let us know what happens
Roxanna, please go into the hospital if you have to.
They will help you.
Take care, Blessings.
@roxanna Did the crisis center call you back? Let us know how you’re doing. Good luck!
Hey @roxanna … just checking in. Are you in hospital?