she has panic attacks and isolates in her room… drinks smokes weed
gets paranoid and talks through the microphone (i actually don’t know what else to call it _ junkie speak)?
her lack of trust and non compliance is total and complete
has nobody outside family
i have recently started to give a ■■■■ and be nice rather than be unforgiving
our relationship is changing but it is my end where the problem was
she gets flustered and angry and blows hot and cold
She needs to get help. That weed doesn’t help the paranoia but it does help depression. She needs a doctor
Im Dual-diagnosed with Paranoid SZ, and EUPD - and for the most part am stable now. I just quit the weed and stopped drinking - something i should have done years ago - and finally my aps have a chance to work properly.
thank you
what made you decide to take medication?
Diagnosed at age 19 in 1980 with paranoid schizophrenia.
Was addicted to crack from 1986-90, got clean in 1990.
AA, CA, and NA helped me get clean.
I was immediately put on it by the hospital when they diagnosed me on a relapse. Had the eupd for years. Its only the past four i had the schizophrenia given to me as well . but deep down i knew i was already.
How did you find out you were not well?
I never knew i was unwell at the time. I was lighting candles talking to “God” whilst playing choral music 24/7 in a damp shitty basement flat. I had no insight. I “thought” it was normal. Even running full pelt to the church to “claim sanctuary” and putting mental rings of white light around me - never ever considered that i was crazy. That was 9 years ago, the bastards at the NHS left me on-off psychotic for years till i was diagnosed. I still have a disgust for the MH services years later for bloody well leaving me in that state - and doing bugger all. I WOULD HAVE told them - but i thought i was normal! Previous poster said lack of insight is the killer - and its bloody true. Shame the bastards didnt pick up on my illness sooner or i would not have lost my family and ended up in prison.
The Wizard of Oz told me, many, many times. Oh, you weren’t talking to me.
sorry to hear about the consequences of not getting treatment from the NHS
it is the same with my sister with that
she is not on the radar really although my ‘team’ has tried once to engage
I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression and used alcohol to cope before diagnosis, consequently making everything worse. It’s hard to comply with meds and quitting substances at first but they do work better in the long run. Be honest with your psychiatrist about side effects should they arise until you’re on meds with minimal side effects and stable and productive moods and attitudes. Remember though not everyone wants help sadly so as much as you bust your gut trying to help someone, it cant be helped if they never respond. The purpose of your existence and recovery shouldnt be about someone else
not everyone wants help sadly so as much as you bust your gut trying to help someone, it cant be helped if they never respond.
This is so awful to read
yes that is true
they told me in rehab that I’m dual diagnosis, and hardest to treat
I wouldn’t say I’m stable and well
but there’s pills on the market that help with the cravings
I think what I have to get over was being bullied physically and verbally
out of a good job over my mental illness
I was doing fantastic before that happened.
yes I hope she will stop drinking one day
she doesn’t want to be ‘a smoker’ or ‘a drinker’ any more
losing work where you were happy is a real blow
that happens to a lot of people with mental health problems
somehow that ends up as mainly internal stigma
So how is she doing?
Yes I was dual-diagnosed. Sz and weed addiction and for a shorter duration cocaine addiction. I am well now on meds.
Often drug addiction is a result of not having anything to do during the day, and especially when it’s alongside schizophrenia. When you have no purpose, drugs easily become one. Weed can make symptoms worse, of course. Drug addiction can also be a form of self-medication. Remember that even if she wants to quit, there may be many factors preventing her from doing it successfully. Be patient but not stupid.
Bad sign. Please forgive my frankness. Disabuse yourself of the notion that “being in love makes everything good.” I hope you live in a culture where you have a choice about who may be your partner. This is an extremely disturbing behaviour. Unless you are prepared to spend your life with someone whose drug abuse will become worse and worse, end the relationship.
she stopped smoking and drinking May 1
She spends time out with her dog, walking…
studies self-led books and cooking, she does yoga at home
she’s emotional and not stable but there is no reason why this would not be happening in first month
she is under suspended sentence of 6 months jail
she is to do 20 days community work
and 18 months meeting officially probation i think but she likes the lady so its great news really
how she has responded this month is incredible
as well as all the self help she has done especially over the last year which drinking would have got in the way of
I have sza depressive type and I also have generalized anxiety disorder. I got a triple threat going. Right now my anxiety and paranoia are feeding off of each other and its created quite the conundrum to combat.