why is this always posted? Are you trying to call out the addicts?
I’m dual diagnosed schizophrenia, OCD, an PTSD. I’m pretty much stable now, as long as I take my meds and do my therapy.
Yes because i want to shame them!
Of course not
My sister has shown no sign of quitting drink in 27 years until this month
Asking for some kind of hope
You would really shame someone for no choice?
You must be a proud and arrogant man.
What is EUPD?
It’s another name for borderline personality disorder
Ok thanks I didn’t know
No! No! No!
Why would you recommend that?
No recreational drugs, it’s not good, at all.
read my post another way
total sarcasm - sorry for that…
just amazed you would think that
She is not doing well at all
sometimes she talks normally and can be quite positive for a few days
she has switched to vaping - which is an amazing step
i hope that that change stays
she is worse than ever for a few days
I don’t know how to care for her any more
I didnt recommend it and speak for yourself. It help me
Just love and try to convince her to come on here herself
not sure what you mean by being herself again
I try to always keep them guessing.
? you mean what i said
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