Please pray for my mom

I know I’m not supposed to talk about religion I prayed tonight.she has Ibs and may have something wrong with her colon


praying 15151515


I hope the doctors can figure out what’s going on with your mom and that she feels better soon. Sending you and your mom positive thoughts and prayers.


Thanks. I hope so too

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I will pray for your mom to have perfect health. I am a strong prayer man. I once prayed that my mom would get to move out of her trailer and build a house and that week a downburst destroyed the trailer with them in it…just picked it up and slammed it back down…they weren’t hurt and the insurance company gave them a check for the trailer and they built a house…!! I believe in prayer and that’s why it works for me…I will pray a lot for you and your mother. @roxanna

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I’ll say a little prayer for her, I hope it’s not serious,

my mum has diverticulitis but it’s not serious, she just needs to go to a toilet really fast sometimes it’s ok except for long journeys.

She is getting a bit older now 69 I think xxx

I will put in group prayers for your mom today. They will be said five days a week, every week.

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Thanks jukebox it means a lot to me

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Love y’all quasall

I feel bad about her going downtown by gonna call when she gets home. I’m so sick from the heat.

Praying :heart: :heart: :heart:

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I will pray for your mom @roxanna.
Hope she gets better soon!

k about religion I prayed tonight.she has Ibs and

What do you mean she has lbs?

Sending positive vibes your way Roxanna

I really hope your mum will be ok

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I’m praying for your mom

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Irritable bowl syndrome

Oh. I thought you wrote LBS.

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Sending thoughts your way.

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